The BEST Church Social Media

October 27, 2023

The BEST church social media

Want To Be More Connected?

Ever feel like you wish you knew more people at your church, or could get more plugged in with your church community? It can be hard to balance work, family, personal and still make it to those community nights or church events that help build those lasting friendships. What if there was a Social Media app for your church? A platform that allows you to build relationships with the people in your church community and never miss a single post from your leaders and friends? TUVU is the new church social media app that is strengthening Christian communities all over the country!

What Is Church Social Media?

Church social media is a new kind of platform that allows you to share photos, videos, prayer requests and connect with other members of your church without the unwanted, graphic content that accompanies traditional social media. TUVU is the modern and wholesome way to get plugged in with your church community.

While nothing can replace being together in person, technology is such a powerful tool to stay connected with your community when you don’t have the luxury of being within the four walls of the church building together. With app accessibility on both your desktop and phone, TUVU is your church community - with you wherever you go!

Benefits Of Building Connection On a Private Platform:

It doesn’t take much time on mainstream social media to see that it is not the most uplifting and edifying place. As Christians, we NEED community every day of the week, not just Sundays. But it’s difficult to truly experience that in the swamp and noise of social media.

Not only that, but invasive algorithms make it difficult to even see your church’s posts on traditional platforms. Between the ads, suggested posts and algorithms, you often have to go directly to an account if you want to stay updated on their content.

Accountability Changes Everything

We aren’t suggesting you ditch traditional social media altogether. It can be a great tool to stay connected with friends from all over, discover new trends and content you love! But the downside is you can’t always control what you are going to see, and anonymous accounts post without accountability. TUVU subscription model ensures accountability, so you can scroll with peace of mind. Our kids are becoming desensitized to things we never imagined would be at their fingertips. You shouldn’t have to choose between community and compromise, and neither should they.

How Is Social Media Affecting Our Families?

Studies show young people are likely to have substantially higher rates of depression, 13-66%, than those who spend less time on social media. This highlights the importance of what kind of content young people are exposed to. What if we could ensure they are scrolling through uplifting and edifying content? Or what if we could guarantee they wouldn’t see pornographic images or graphic desensitizing videos when they swipe up to connect with their friends?  

This is where church social media comes in! We have created a platform made JUST for your church with your family in mind. We saw a massive need in the social media space, because we have run into these complicated situations ourselves. We have kids who want mainstream accounts to stay up to date with their youth groups, and friends from church. But all it takes is one glance at the Explore page or one jarring “suggested post" to know why we wrestle with whether it is truly good for their heart, mind and spirit.

Why Doesn’t Church Social Media Already Exist?

Building the technology to create a new social media platform requires a lot of time and resources. On top of the building costs, there is the cost of maintenance, management, and moderation. TUVU provides a way for your church to have its own private, premium social media platform without the daunting cost and energy it takes to build the technology. With TUVU, you can have your own digital community without the stress of building or maintaining it.

Meet Our TUVU Community!

The people of TUVU are such an uplifting and edifying community! It isn’t uncommon to hear our members say, “I usually feel gross after spending time on social media, but TUVU leaves me feeling so happy and encouraged!” Our mission is to provide a platform void of negativity and rich in fun, joy, and encouragement. TUVU facilitates authentic connections with authentic love and support.

What Makes Us Different?

Here at TUVU, we are a team of people just like you! We value faith, family and freedom. We are committed to setting our kids up for success. We believe social media can be a life giving tool that fosters community and relationship. It doesn’t have to be the cesspool it's become. Our platform is ad free, which means data security. We promise to never sell your data to advertisers! The TUVU feed is chronological, so no matter when you get on, you will see content as it is uploaded rather than where and when mysterious algorithms decide to push it. Lastly, 100% of the people on our platform are real, verified users. Our strict moderation will flag bad actors and content unfit for our platform, so you can rest assured that TUVU is a safe place for your family and friends.

How Can TUVU Help Me Be More Connected At Church?

  • Groups enable you to plug into different groups at your church.
  • See other members’ posts when they upload them, without an algorithm complicating their visibility.
  • Stay up to date with your church community and what others are posting via the repost feature.
  • Check out the trending tab is a great way to see what’s happening in your greater church community.
  • Directly message other members using our secure chat.

Want To Get TUVU For Your Church?

Step 1: Start with your own account and check it out for yourself! Download TUVU from the app store, and start your own account for only $2.99/month or $22.99/year.

Step 2: Tell your church community what you think about us!

Your own private app for church social media might be what your church has been missing! Join TUVU to link arms with us and help us strengthen church communities like yours.

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